Sustainable and Self-Funded
MaxAbilities of York County, formerly the York County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs, has been in operation for over 40 years providing services and supports to individuals in York County with intellectual disabilities, autism and head and spinal cord injuries.

Teaching job readiness skills has long been a part of the service array offered in the county. However, for those individuals who need the support of a job coach; but do not have a funding source for such a support, the service has simply been unavailable.

The York Coffee Roastery is a new brand in the MaxAbilities family of innovative services. Our mission at The York Coffee Roastery is provide work training opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities, autism and head and spinal cord injuries in the York County area regardless of a funding source. In order to make the mission a reality, The York Coffee Roastery will provide a quality product to the general public for purchase.

With public support and a line of quality products the funding for the job coaching becomes sustainable and does not reply of a grant or government funding. It becomes a promise fulfilled.

Why we do what we do


Our Mission is to maximize abilities for individuals with special needs in York County by Teaching, Empowering, Advocating and Mentoring.